
Instructor 资源

The Instructor Resource Hub is intended to provide a single starting point for instructors to find the information they need about teaching and learning at 俄亥俄州. It also highlights the many CTLA partners and collaborators.

Jump to 资源 Topics:

教学 | 技术 | 校园 Departments and Units | 学生

  • CTLA 节目和活动

    Check out the CTLA's upcoming events and workshops, learn more about teaching academies and faculty learning communities and explore professional development opportunities.

  • CTLA 支持服务

    学习 more about how the CTLA supports all instructors, from offering professional development opportunities and individual consultations to collaborating with academic units and contributing to the development of policies and procedures.

  • 合作伙伴

    The CTLA collaborates with offices and units throughout campus. 另外, the CTLA partners with regional, state and national organizations to provide additional teaching and learning opportunities.

校园 资源


McGuffey Hall in the spring surrounded by blooming trees.

有帮助的 学生 资源

学生 sit on College Green
  • 问题? 需要支持?

    If you have questions or need assistance accessing or locating a resource, please contact the CTLA. 另外, if you have suggestions about this page, please let us know.