
成为UC 1900讲师 

Learning Community Seminar classes are taught by faculty and staff members who are committed to the success, 俄亥俄州newbb电子平台队的过渡和教育.   

博士学院图片. Ana Rosado Feger

“我非常喜欢教授加州大学1900分校. 小班设置加上课程主题允许教师, LCL与学生建立了密切的关系. My favorite part of being involved in UC1900 is watching former students thrive at OU and then go on to graduate. There’s something special about knowing that you met the student on their first day of college, 希望能在他们的俄亥俄之旅中提供支持.” 

-安妮Valeant, MBA/MSA,运营总监,战略 & 斯克里普斯传播学院的伙伴关系.











这是我每年都会被问到的问题. I normally teach upperclassmen and graduate students, just because of my field within the CoB. 我有三个主要原因:1. 新生们很兴奋. They are experiencing lots of new things all at once and most of them come at the challenge with joy. 大一新生的LC和高年级学生的LC的能量是不同的, 他们在哪里更认真,更专注于毕业后的目标. LC的能量令人振奋. 

2. LC是关于欢迎我们的newbb电子平台和大学社区和家庭. 我加入公开大学是因为这里有家的感觉. 我想和我们的学生分享这种归属感. 

3. 表示. 作为一个西班牙裔女性, I know how important it can be to see oneself in those who lead us…but also how important it can be for those not in minoritized groups to see those who do NOT look like them be in those leadership roles.  

——安娜·L. Rosado Feger, Ph.D., O'Bleness 联系 教授 of Operations Management / Chair, Management Department

“我喜欢成为一年级学生过渡到newbb电子平台的一部分. The Pre-Law Learning Community gives me the ability to connect students with resources that will help them develop into successful college students, 有效的领导者, 参与的社区成员.  看着学生们适应新环境是值得的, 克服挑战, 找到他们的激情和目标, all while instilling in them that they have an advocate in their corner as they navigate the first year.”   

拉里·海曼, J.D.  法律事务总监 & 法律预科课程,法律中心,司法 & 文化,咨询中心,职业 & 从实践经验中学习











  • 硕士或以上学历优先, 学习社区计划研究生助理, or currently enrolled as a masters student and requesting to teach UC 1900 as a practicum 
  • newbb电子平台雇员 
  • 由导师或系主任批准 
  • 学习社区项目主任批准 
  • 符合聘用条件表格所列明的期望 

秋季2024讲师时间表UC 1900 

2月1日 招聘指导员 
5月9日 教员培训开球 
5月17日 已缴交的聘用条件表格 
8月20日 讲师面对面培训,分天进行 
8月26日 第一天上课 



2024 uc1900兴趣表和教学时间偏好表

2024 FA UC 1900的任命条件表格 [2024年4月即将到来]





2023每周时间表为周二.,结婚.,碰头. 研讨会

将提供画布蓝图课程(类似于黑板复制课程).  This contains lessons plans for each week as well as any additional resources needed, 比如适用的视频, ppt, 等..

A Canvas 教练 Resource Site is also provided which contains links to past trainings, 程序项目和其他参考资料.

强化体验计划 is a fund that instructors and 学习 community leaders have access to request opportunity funding for events, 实地考察, 旅游, 等. 与学习社区,学术焦点或探索专业有关.  更多信息可在 学习社区给予 页面.  The funds for this program come from friends of Learning Community Programs through Development.



*如果有2024-2025财政年度的员工工资率, 下面的图表将予以更新,以反映这一增长.

类别uc1900 /1学分每周与LCL开会培训 & 暑期模块*相当于10小时的学习时间总有可能
教授 2,8783402403,458
联系 2,6843402403,264
助理 2,4453402403,025
教学教授 2,4153402402,995
教学副教授 2,3593402402,939
教学助理教授 2,3023402402,882
教练 1,2243402401,804





UC 1900课程将通过Canvas学习管理系统提供.

教师被要求完成, 并且会得到补偿, 6小时的Canvas相关培训, above and beyond the core professional development associated with the UC 1900 course.  这些培训项目将在网上发布.

具体的培训部分将被确定为核心培训的一部分.  教练 need to have functional knowledge of Canvas PRIOR to 8月 when the focus will be on transferring content for the course.



教员将获得10小时培训的报酬.  All training hours are counted at the end of the summer and integrated into the payment amount submitted.  *教练 who are not financially compensated for instruction are still expected to meet the training expectation.  All instructors should plan to attend the May Kick-Off and the 8月 培训 half-day (colleges are assigned either the morning or afternoon session).  



地点Baker 240/242和Microsoft Teams(链接将在日历项中发送)

10:00-10:45 a.m. 仅限初次教员


*This session is required and will be recorded for those who are not able to attend in-person or virtually on this date.



1:00-2:30 pm

位置Baker 240/242

强烈建议所有教员参加这个培训.  学习社区项目上次提供给它是在2018年.

The training will be provided by 俄亥俄州 University Police Department to provide information and insights regarding response to an active aggressor situation.   跑-藏-斗策略将被涵盖.   培训将以面对面的方式进行.  It will also be recorded and posted to the Canvas 教练 Resource Site with the other trainings for those who are not able to attend.



在六月期间, virtual training sessions are offered to support instructor engagement with the Canvas instructor resources, 课程计划内容,了解学生参与策略.   培训被记录并加载到画布讲师资源网站.

这些活动通常在星期二和星期四下午2点至3点举行.  他们被记录下来并张贴给那些不能参加的人.



CANVAS "copy" site goes live and there will be several training options about transitioning the material to the 教练's Canvas site.  培训被记录并加载到画布讲师资源网站.



请保留讲师培训的日期,更多细节将陆续公布.  各大学将分为上午和下午两部分.



以获得培训时数的出勤积分, 所有的培训需要在8月20日结束前完成, 2024.


I have always enjoyed getting to engage with a community of first-year students at the very beginning of their academic and career journey.  

学习社区总是紧密结合在一起, 在人生的新阶段提供一个值得信赖的人际关系网. I find that that the intentionality and scope of our lessons empower students to make the most of the opportunities on campus. 我每年都从我的LC中学到很多东西, and the class gives me a forum to get new students excited and motivated about the possibilities in their time at newbb电子平台 and beyond. 

- Josh Antonuccio,传媒艺术学院院长/副院长 & Studies; Director, newbb电子平台 音乐产业 Summit; Program Coordinator, 俄亥俄州SXSW音乐节, 音乐产业 & Production Masterclass Series; 教师 Advisor, Brick City Records & 音乐界的女性


One of my favorite things about teaching 学习社区 is getting to work closely with outstanding BSN students who serve as Learning Community Leaders. I love planning the course with them and hearing their fresh perspectives to help keep the class relevant and as valuable as possible for the new students. It is also incredibly rewarding when I see my former Learning Community students years later after they have realized their dream of becoming professional nurses; we always have great fun reminiscing about their very first semester in college and looking at how far they’ve come since then. 




1. 我喜欢从新生那里听到他们感兴趣和兴奋的事情, 以及他们希望在未来做什么. 

2. 当我能帮助学生与支持资源建立联系时,我感觉很好, 学生团体, 或者是正确的专业.  我喜欢成为让俄亥俄对他们来说像家一样的一部分. 

3. I love knowing so many students in our program from their first week of classes all the way until their graduation. Seeing the transformation from high school student to engineer is motivating and fulfilling to me. 

4. 我喜欢和学生学习社区领袖一起工作, hearing their ideas and getting their insight and perspectives into the student experience, 看到他们在人际交往和组织能力方面的成长. 

5. I enjoy the chance to connect with people from across the university who are committed to a positive first year experience, 分享和尝试不同的方法和想法. 

-瓦莱丽·L. 年轻的,博士,俄罗斯工程学院教务代表 & Technology; Co-Chair, 罗斯大学多样性委员会, 股本, 包容, 可访问性, and Belonging; Accreditation Coordinator, Bachelors Program in Chemical Engineering; Advisor, 俄亥俄州 D2 Ice Hockey; Advisor, Anime Club of newbb电子平台; 联系 教授, 化学系 & 生物分子工程


  • 该部门要求研究生为他们的学院教授UC 1900,或者  
  • 学生表示有兴趣在加州大学1900分校教授经验,或  
  • 学生表示有兴趣教授uc1900作为他们的实习课程.  


研究生需要积极, 在读研究生,至少1学分(硕士或博士).   



  • The graduate student is instructing the UC 1900 seminar class as part of the core work of their graduate assistantship, 在20小时内.  
  • The equivalent to the pay of the course would be built into the graduate appointment.  我们可以和为毕业生做预约的人商量细节. 例子, 如果他们的总工资是14美元,000, then the FYrST office pays the UC 1900 equivalent and the department pays the remainder. *值得注意的是,这只是第一办公室的秋季付款.  


  • 如果学生有20小时的助教奖学金或所有其他工作的总和, 他们不能教书了,因为他们已经达到了20小时的上限.  
  • 如果助学金或所有其他工作的总和少于20小时, 我们可以直接支付给学生.  


  • 研究生的总负荷不能超过20小时, 包括在校园里进行的任何其他工作, 以任何身份.   
  • UC 1900研讨班是一门1学分的课程,相当于2学分.67小时.  


  • 这是学分,不支付.  
  • 每个人将与另一个共同讲师配对.